Old Buffalo City and County Hall (completed in 1876); Andrew J. Warner, architect

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

City Hall Facade

(photo by briggsyengineering.com)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

(Click then image for a LIGHTBOX view)

City Hall on Niagra Square with Lions and McKinley Monument

(photo by DIPENdAVE)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)


(photo by Daderot)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

Tower detail

(photo by army.arch*Adam*)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

Elevator doors 

Elevator door detail (perhaps depicting the Iroquois leader Red Jacket)

Barrel Ceiling

(photo by Jazzersten)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

"Construction" mural by William de Leftwich Dodge

(photo by hadrian6)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

Lady Buffalo and Native-American inspired ceiling panels

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

City Common Council Chambers

(photo by Jeff Givens)

(Click the image for a LIGHTBOX view)

(photo: Buffalo VR -- click for an interactive 360 panorama)

"The ceiling of the Buffalo City Common Council Chamber is stained-glass, and represents the view of the heavens from Buffalo the date that City Hall was completed. You can see the sun, the moon, and seven other planets."